Tower Poetry Society, in collaboration with visual/textile artist Lorraine Roy, presents…
A dance of poetry & visual art…
After the success of the first PoARTry event*, we endeavour to create a similar collaboration between poets and artists that will showcase virtually with the possibility/opportunity for an in-person exhibition after the first year. This may become an ongoing event.
* In 2021, poets were encouraged to submit poems to inspire local artists to create visual art. And so the dance began… the results were displayed in an exhibit in the Barber Atrium at the Carnegie Gallery.
Tower Poetry Society POETS have submitted poems that inspire visual art or fine crafts. And, artists have selected the poems that inspire each to create a piece in their chosen visual art field.
Please join us as we reveal these unique partnerships on the FIRST SATURDAY over the next many months… a poet & a:
- Stained Glass Artist
- Mosaic Artist
- Wood Burning Artist
- Painter
- Landscape Artist
- Textiles Artist
- Pencil Artist
- Jewellery Artist
- Mixed Media Artist
Artists, there is still time to select a poem to inspire your art! Our first dance will be on Saturday, February, 4, 2023 at midnight… for now, it’s a secret!