An annual collaboration of Tower poets
and local Carnegie Gallery artists for Arts Dundas

Poetry and art copyright © the author and the artist, respectively

Artwalk POETRY and ART

Blue Roots, by Lorraine Roy*

Blue Cool

by Jeff Seffinga

go blow so blue
a flame through the frame
light torn from crystal concentrate
mined of a mind in gloom
a low glow gathered
under the barked warp
grow life flowing only
out upward

each thread veins
separate through a dark unseen
unheard screams below the surfaces
old stone and substance hard
too dark that gloom bursts
lightfull in the formless and
all filaments flare to shape
starred crown blazing

cobalt the glaze blown all high
reach down blue roots
search the cool

Artwalk VIII, #10
*Visit web site of artist Lorraine Roy

Visit the Carnegie Gallery website:

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