An annual collaboration of Tower poets
and local Carnegie Gallery artists for Arts Dundas

Poetry and art copyright © the author and the artist, respectively

Artwalk POETRY and ART

Phantasmagoria, Monika Shedden

something dark dances widdershins
in my soul

by Norman Brown

my how you’ve changed
two thousand years since you were a force
last of the old gods
a card carrying member of the macra shee
wild troops of fairy folk
demon lovers and the banshee’s wail
a hand stitched doll with quilted wings
puffed sleeves, patterned tights
orange hair, pointed ears
and a flat chest
a full three cleansings past nothing

who did this to you
how could this happen
myself, I blame the Christians
with their zebra mussel mythology
not Science or Victorian sensibilities
no matter
you never would have survived Disney

Artwalk VII, #7
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