An annual collaboration of Tower poets
and local Carnegie Gallery artists for Arts Dundas

Poetry and art copyright © the author and the artist, respectively

Artwalk POETRY and ART

    By the Bruce Trail, by Doug Carter*

Fall Blaze

by Ross Belot

Is this cyclone of colour
Wild anger gasping and weeping
Drawing to a final frozen end
The anguish, angst and agony
As life inevitably leaks out,
Fluids clot, limbs tire
Choking out a visual death rattle?

Or is this orgasm of orange and yellow
A blast of spring joy and summer bliss
Saved up through basking sun and soothing rain
Nights of full moon and cricket sonatas,
A final party favour,
A rebel yell to the world saying
I was here and it was good?

Artwalk II, #7

Visit the Carnegie Gallery web site:

*Visit artist Doug Carter's web site:

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