An annual collaboration of Tower poets
and local Carnegie Gallery artists for Arts Dundas

Poetry and art copyright © the author and the artist, respectively

Artwalk POETRY and ART

    Frog I & Frog II, by Margaret Peter

Dream of Six Frogs Kicking

by Eleanore Kosydar

Still life of a seated frog.
Regal, poised.
Posed as for a portrait.
A picture-perfect frog.
Two composed frogs juxtaposed:
twins. Or one frog, posed twice.

But in my dream you are six
arrayed around the small pool in a circle.
Submerged, facing outward, delicate fingers
holding to stones along the rim.
Long legs kicking, kicking, kicking hard.
Strong frog legs, making waves.

Water whirling, flying, sloshing
over the edge. Six frogs—sisters,
brothers—synchronised swimmers.
Olympians. Frog kick champions,
flailing away in an empty pool.
Picture imperfect;
just a dream.

Artwalk II, #5
Visit artist Margaret Peter's web site:

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