Poetry Pick


by Chris Butler
Ontario, Canada

See that ashtray,
That glass clock without hands.
Beneath the layers of soot
Time turns black.
Another ash tumbles,
Losing heat as it falls.
A carbon copy of the last,
Filed quietly away.

The glass clock upon the wall
Reflects the smouldering embers,
Like the eye of a gypsy
That burns to glimpse fate.
I cannot filter tomorrow,
or rebreathe yesterday.
Yet the smokescreen appears
to witness predictions.

I suck in the grey seconds
Until lungs can tick tock.
The answer's on the exhale,
Too fine to comprehend,
If a deck of tarot cards
Becomes a deck of cigarettes
Death still waits to play
When I crack the cellophane.

See that ashtray,
That glass clock without hands.
At times when it is empty
The moment becomes clear.
Then another ash tumbles
Losing heat as it falls.
So shall I one day,
So shall I.

From Tower Poetry, Vol. 47#2


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